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ISSM "Luigi Boccherini" Guitar Department

MarchioneMusic Team

Can you imagine a guitar festival with 18 concerts where artists and students perform the complete works for and with guitar by Castelnuovo-Tedesco?... Well, there is a good news: thanks to the incredible energy of Maestro’s Giampaolo Bandini and Dario Vannini, the smartly farsighted didactical policy of the dean of the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali "L.Boccherini", maestro Fabrizio Papi, and the bottomless enthusiasms and talent of the students, this festival exists!

Thank you all of you guys, I spent, as always, hugely inspiring days with you, your enthusiasms is truly contagious! I wish you all the very best for the upcoming concerts, you are great!

Carlo Marchione

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